KCA Unveils Its Plan to Support Newcomers in 2024

Kenyan Canadian Association through its Newcomers and Settlement Program has continued to positively impact the migrant, immigrants and refugees in the broader black community across Canada by offering much-needed services even as their numbers continue to grow and their needs become more dire.
Canada welcomes more than 400,000 new immigrants and over a million temporary foreign workers and international students each year. These newcomers not only play an essential role in Canada by filling labour shortages, but they also bring new perspectives and talents to our communities, and enriching our society as a whole.
The new immigrants arrive intending to reunite with family or embark on a new, prosperous life. Each newcomer is filled with hope and anticipation. Despite the promising prospects, many encounter challenges such as communicating in official languages, obtaining necessary professional licenses, finding employment and housing, dealing with financial issues and a myriad of many other challenges.
In this light KCA will continue to offer the following services to the newcomers:
- Orientation, information and referral to other community programs and services
- Help in finding jobs or referral to programs like skills training and foreign credential assessment
- Conducting Online Information Sessions tailored to specific needs of newcomers
- Implementing In-person workshops, fairs and clothing drives in collaboration with various stakeholders
We are also in the process of launching financial inclusion innovative products and services to help uplift the social and economic status of newcomers, some of which will be unveiled by Spring 2024.
Stay tuned on our social media platforms for more details about the upcoming newcomers and settlement program activities.